Pierre Fabre | Marketing

Pierre Fabre | Marketing

PIERRE FABRE OSCAR PROJECT  BACK g SECTOR Health ? TYPE Marketing  PLATFORM HoloLens 2 E RELEASE 2021 OSCAR PROJECT | Health prevention with HoloLens In partnership with Pierre Fabre For the 115th edition of the « Congrès de l’Association Française de l’Urologie »,...
UPSA | Training

UPSA | Training

UPSA INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BACK g SECTOR Industry ? TYPE Training  PLATFORM HoloLens E RELEASE 2017 UPSA | Fast and effective industrial training with HoloLens A 50-page instruction manual summarized in 5 minute sessions HoloForge supported UPSA, a major French...
Nomadeec | Telemedicine

Nomadeec | Telemedicine

EXELUS NOMADEEC BACK g SECTOR Health ? TYPE Support  PLATFORM HoloLens E RELEASE 2018 NOMADEEC | Mixed reality, the future of telemedicine A worldwide first in pre-hospital care Exelus and HoloForge demonstrate how health professionals in the field use mixed reality...